S22241 – Rutile

A remarkable and rare cyclic twin of rutile exhibiting a sharp, well formed crystal of good size. In person its bright and complete and much better than shown. Measuring 4 x 3.1 cm.

S21857 – Rutile

Excellent material from the 1970s collecting period. The association, with its typical orange-yellow pyrophyllite, is made up of rutile crystals frozen in matrix.

S20634 – Rutile

Crystal perfection ten times more perfect than almost any others from this famous locality. Even after many years of on and off rutile production this quality is still rare. It is strikingly noticeable and complete all around in person.

S18154 – Woodhouseite

This specimen of woodhouseite came from the well-known Champion mine in California, the type locality, and of course named after Charles Woodhouse (1888-1975). The tan to yellow crystals completely coat quartz and measure 0.7 cm without damage.