S23848 – Cuprite

A fascinating cube of copper with secondary cuprite morphology replaced by copper. The pseudomorphs grew nicely exposed in separation from one another making it exceptional from every side. In addition to copper there is calcite, malachite and cuprite on its underside. A significant, worldclass pseudo from Onganja.

S22354 – Copper

An old-time, very rich and showy, two-sided copper with no real point of attachment. Three dimensional sharp crystals and coppery patina make it extremely fine as well.

S22356 – Copper

This specimen of copper is very appealing, sharply formed and shows well all around. Complete with striking red patina and high luster.

S18322 – Cuprite

Onganja is known for this type of distinctive pseudomorph/coating and this piece is exceptionally good for the type. The replacement is sharp faced and still retains the cuboctahedral form of cuprite. This is a particularly fine miniature, with an undamaged crystal to 2.5 cm nicely elevated from calcite.

S16938 – Cuprite

The composition and presentation of this piece has that ultra-pretty look to it. This piece is all about display IMPACT and sheer BEAUTY. An accurately shown plum-red hue highlights these cuprites to 2 cm in the company of contrasting calcite.

S16478 – Malachite

A lovely pair of cuboctahedral pseudomorphs of malachite after cuprite show well in a freely and fully developed way. And, this specimen is undamaged and complete all around. Although comparatively small, clusters can be difficult to find in the required thumbnail size range from this African locality.

S16266 – Malachite

This brilliant green, chatoyant primary malachite came out of the Emke mine in Namibia. Note how bright its display face is, rather than matte in texture. From the collection of Bill McBride, with a Pala Properties International label.