S21854 – Pyrite
Classic Huanzala pyrite that is more three dimensional than shown and especially fine. Peruvian pieces have exceptional quality and blinding luster.
S21856 – Pyrite
Highly lustrous piece of pyrite from Peru, and essentially a floater with no notable point of attachment. A signature specimen from Huanzala.
S21072 – Pyrite
Choice group of brilliant yellow pyrite united and entirely made up of crystals to 3.5 cm. More three dimensional than shown.
S19830 – Pyrite
Here we have an unusual flat crystal of pyrite measuring 5.2 x 4.5 x 0.5 cm, and what an amazing and structurally different piece of shiny yellow pyrite it is. An outstanding floater, along with sharp growth that is complete all around.
S19833 – Pyrite
From a fresh brand-new find this past year, where the pocket contents contained the usual bright modified pyritohedrons in cluster form, only this one brings maximum display impact because of size. Entirely made up of crystals to 3.5 cm. More three dimensional than shown and especially fine.
S19066 – Barite
This lavish pseudomorph of attractive display is the highest appeal one could ask for in Huanzala material, and the main square pseudo sits intact, including the side faces. The crystal separation here is readily distinguishable from others I have seen, which is one of the qualities of this piece. Aesthetic.
S16745 – Pyrite
A really GOOD PYRITE is actually hard to get, and an outstanding yet deliciously different piece, such as this, is even harder to find. The highly distorted and complex metallic yellow features make the piece. It is in remarkable condition and complete all around. From the recently released Winkler collection.
S16150 – Fluorite
This fascinating specimen is a striking combination of lavender-purple fluorite over disc-shaped calcites up to 1.8 cm. Good ones in combination remain uncommon. The sphalerite is contacted on the left side, but barely noticeable from its front display face. Ex Cal Graeber and Carolyn Seitz collections