S20048 – Rutile
This specimen is significant not only for its excellent epitaxial orientation, but more importantly for its very noticeable crystallization from the area that produces them. The accompanying label refers to the crystals as “star shaped”.
S18140 – Rutile
This elaborate specimen of rutile consists mostly of straw-yellow needles sticking out of shiny hematite. This is excellent epitaxial orientation from the area that produces them. If you’re wondering it can be sent safely through the mail.
S18142 – Rutile
An excellent display of acicular golden needles in almost blindingly bright highlights. The crystals of rutile splay out from slightly iridescent, well terminated hematite, forming an enticing pattern combined with opposing contrast.
S18148 – Rutile
This upright display of acicular crystals is fantastic vibrant yellow color. The hematite is bright and metallic, and the epitaxial orientation is always interesting.